Kwame Building Group recently completed a half-dozen school projects for the Dallas Independent School District, including the repurposing of a vacant building into the Solar Preparatory School for Girls. Photo Credit: Terry Wier
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Kwame Building Group Wraps Work on Six Dallas Schools

By SCN Staff

DALLAS—Construction was recently completed on major new construction and renovation projects at six schools in the Dallas Independent School District. As a member of the Dikita\\Vanir Joint Venture team, Kwame Building Group’s role is to augment the construction staff and provide project management services. This is the first time that this district has awarded program management services to a minority-led team.

In total, the Dikita\\Vanir Joint Venture team is responsible for more than $500 million in construction projects spanning 40 million square feet. They are one of three construction teams selected to manage major construction projects at more than 200 Dallas ISD schools, including renovation of more than 300 classrooms, construction of nine new schools and various facility improvements. The projects are funded by a $1.6 billion bond program approved by voters in 2015. Serving more than 157,000 students, Dallas ISD is the 14th-largest school district in the United States.

Kwame Building Group has completed their work at Solar Preparatory School for Girls, Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School, San Jacinto Elementary School, A. Maceo Smith High School, Grady Spruce High School and Edna Row Elementary School. Work is ongoing by the Dikita\\Vanir Joint Venture team at nine additional Dallas ISD schools. The team completed construction at Nancy Moseley Elementary School in 2018.


Solar Preparatory School for Girls
A vacant building was repurposed as a new transformation school for pre-kindergarten through fifth-graders. A new wing was added to include 15 classrooms, administrative spaces, a storm shelter cafetorium and four music and art learning spaces. An outdoor learning area also was added. The $15.4 million school opened this fall. The architect was Boynton Williams & Associates.

Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy
Maceo Smith High School was renovated to become Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, an academy school with an emphasis on technology and project-based learning for up to 400 students. The renovation included improvements to the auditorium, 31 classrooms, two computer labs, 10 conference rooms, gymnasiums, locker rooms and a student dining area.

Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School
The renovation of Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary School included improvements to the roof, HVAC systems, plumbing and exterior facade.

San Jacinto Elementary School
Renovation of San Jacinto Elementary School included improvements to the library, roof, HVAC system, windows, exterior doors, plumbing and exterior facade.

Grady Spruce High School
A 13-classroom addition was constructed at Grady Spruce High School. Other renovations included an expanded career and technology education program, bus loop with fire lane as well as new HVAC units and roof.

Edna Row Elementary School
As part of the renovation project, 12 classrooms were added.

Kwame Building Group, Inc. (KWAME) is one of the nation’s top pure construction management firms, dedicating 100 percent of its resources to project management services. An employee-owned company, KWAME provides estimating, scheduling, project planning, value engineering and other project management services as an independent advocate for owners and developers.