
CEFPI Announces 2008 Award Submission Dates

SAN DIEGO — The Council of Educational Facility Planners International is accepting applications for the 2008 Planning and Architectural Exhibition Annual Awards ceremony.

The annual event is set to take place from Sept. 29 to Oct.1 at the Grand Hyatt hotel in San Diego. Any project within the last five years can be submitted for an award. The jury will evaluate submissions based on a written narrative and design responses in four areas:

  • The parameters of the planning process, including how the team facilitated discussions and arrived at design solutions to meet the educational institution’s specifications
  • The ways in which the design complements the learning program at the school 
  • The relationship between the physical environment and the users, such as students, teachers, community members
  • The ways in which the design promotes community use and partnerships, including elements that fit within the context of the community

Awards include Project Distinction for new construction, the Lee J. Brockway award for renovations and the Design Concept Award for projects in the design phase. Projects that meet the above criteria and stand out as exceptional and inspiring will receive awards.

Winners will also be noted at the award ceremony, featured in an exhibition, featured on the CEFPI Web site, included in a CEFPI press release and featured as an e-news item.

Submissions must include one CD of high-resolution images and electronic forms. The information should be mailed to: 9180 Desert Cove, #104, Scottsdale, Ariz., 85260, with attention to Carla Terian, 2008 Exhibition.

Display panels must be delivered to the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego between the dates of Sept. 26 and Sept. 29.