R.I. Voters Approve Two University Projects
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Voters in Rhode Island have approved two major projects at two of the state’s public universities, the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College.
On Tuesday, Rhode Island residents approved a measure authorizing the state to spend $78 million on construction between the two campuses. The funds will cover a $61 million Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences at URI and a $17 million renovation and addition to the Art Center at Rhode Island College.
The existing URI chemistry building was designed in 1938 and constructed 15 years later in 1953. According to URI President David Dooley, the space does not provide his students and faculty with the basic technologies they need, including control over the building’s temperature and humidity. The proposed 120,000-square-foot replacement will have three times the space of the current building and boost student lab areas by 50 percent.
At RIC, the college’s 52-year-old Arts Center needs $1 million in repairs to fix health and safety issues, according to a March 2010 review of the facility. Another study commissioned by RIC stated that the arts building had outlived its usefulness in 2004, the same year the study was conducted, according to news reports.
The projects should create 1,200 jobs over the next five years.
Edited 11-05-10