Applications for School Facility Grant Program Due
SILVER SPRING, Md. — The National School Supply and Equipment Association (NSSEA) will once again fund travel and participation to the only event devoted exclusively to furniture, fixtures and equipment for education facilities. Each year, the School Equipment Show showcases the newest and most innovative products for educational facilities. Decision makers at a school, college or university involved in any part of the design, building, or renovation of an educational facility are invited to apply for an NSSEA School Facility Grant. The applications are due June 29, 2012.
“We’ve been watching the applications pour in from districts and college of all shapes and sizes who are looking to find the very best product solutions,” says Jim McGarry, president/CEO of NSSEA. “The Grant Program has already generated applications totaling over $3.45 billion in total school construction that will be spent in the next two years. With just two weeks left to apply, I urge those with current construction and renovation projects to apply for funding to the School Equipment Show.”
The purpose of the School Facility Grant Program is to encourage high-quality professional development experiences that will expose superintendents, school facility planners, and business and purchasing officials at the pre-K to higher education levels to innovative solutions and best practices that will assist them in making more effective decisions regarding their upcoming educational facility construction or renovation projects.
The Grant Award package includes roundtrip coach airfare to Tampa, Florida for the School Equipment Show, November 7-9, 2012, hotel accommodation for up to three nights at an official School Equipment Show host hotel and full conference registration to attend career-enriching educational sessions, exhibits and networking events.
To be eligible, facility planners must complete a brief application, provide information regarding current projects and send in a one-paragraph description explaining your need for the grant. The School Facility Grant Program is a competitive application process. Grant applications will be evaluated based on the level of interest and potential building projects planned in the near future.
Download the grant application at Completed applications are due by June 29, 2012.