Members of the Cheldelin Design Advisory Committee reviewing current designs for the renovation of Cheldelin Middle School. Photo Credit: Corvallis School District

Construction Continues on Oregon Middle School Renovation

By Lisa Kopochinski

CORVALLIS, Ore.—Construction continues on the major renovation of Cheldelin Middle School project in Corvallis.

With a completion date slated for October 2021, the approximately $12 million project includes the renovation of classrooms to create a STEM lab; renovating the library/media center; renovating the cafeteria and restrooms; improving ADA accessibility; improving ADA access; replacing wooden bleachers in the gym; replacing kitchen flooring; upgrading mechanical infrastructure including electrical, heating and plumbing systems; and improving emergency lighting and seismic safety,

The project also included resurfacing the existing track, which is now completed. This involved enlarging the high jump area to accommodate two jumping areas and improving drainage around the long jump area.

The Wenaha Group is managing this project for the Corvallis School District. Gerding Builders is the construction manager/general contractor, and Field Turf USA is the track contractor. Pivot Architecture is the architect.

At present, the project is in the design and permitting stage. According to a Corvallis School District report, the district has contracted with Lancaster Logistics to provide move coordination services. This will help alleviate staff concerns about moving classrooms and to ensure a smooth transition. Given the current load of school projects, the district does not have enough staff to move and set up all of the classrooms that will be impacted.

Pivot Architecture is continuing to work with the site team on the design and construction phasing. Most recently, discussions have included the design of modifications to the existing entry to improve ADA access and provide a secure vestibule.

Pivot Architecture is also working with district staff on the final construction document details and plans on submitting it to the City for a permit in late February.

Additionally, Pivot’s team is working on the design for seismic improvements as part of the process for applying for a $2.5 million State Seismic Grant this month.

Gerding Builders has also completed a 75 percent design development cost estimate. The team is working to refine the designs to in order to complete the project within budget.

Construction is set to begin in June on the extensive renovation.