A groundbreaking ceremony was recently held for the new $3.4 million Peccole Shuirman Tennis Complex at Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School in Las Vegas. Photo Credit: Abbie Fox, Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School

Nevada Middle & High School Unveils New Tennis Complex

By Lisa Kopochinski

LAS VEGAS, Nev.—A groundbreaking ceremony was recently held for a new tennis complex at Faith Lutheran Middle School & High School in Las Vegas.

The $3.4 million Peccole Shuirman Tennis Complex will serve its girls and boys high school varsity and middle school teams. The new 10-court post-tension concrete complex will cover approximately 3.5 acres, and four of the courts in the new complex will be lit.

KGA Architecture is the architect on this impressive project. The complex design was revised upward from its original eight courts to better accommodate tournaments, club play and summer camps. Eventually, school officials hope to open the complex to rental by the public.

The complex will also have the following:

  • women’s, men’s, and family restroom;
  • 285-square-foot coach’s office;
  • 432 square feet of storage for ball hoppers, nets, and other equipment;
  • 103-space parking lot including five handicap spots.

Forty five players – 25 girls and 20 boys – are currently on the high school varsity teams at present. Faith Lutheran competes in the 5A division, which involves Nevada’s largest schools.

“This complex will allow our student-athletes to play the best competition in Nevada and beyond and bolster their chances to develop college-level talent,” said Jeff Foley, head coach of Faith’s tennis program, in a statement.

“Our goal is to develop as many Division I and college-scholarship-level players as we can while having fun and representing our school.”

DC Building Group is the general contractor on this project, which is expected to take eight months to complete.