
Cleveland (TX) ISD Cuts Ribbon on New Admin Building

By Eric Althoff

CLEVELAND, Texas—Administrators from Cleveland Independent School District (CISD) gathered with staff from Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam Inc. (LAN) for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new administration building located on State Highway 321, directly across the street from Cleveland High School and Cleveland Middle School on a 12-acre tract.  

 The 51,000-square-foot administration building was funded as part of a $198 million bond passed by Cleveland ISD voters in 2019. LAN was chosen to serve as the bond program manager for the administration building as well as for a new middle school, two elementary schools as well as athletic fields.  

LAN’s partners on the project included Huckabee Architecture and ICI Construction. LAN vetted the various construction and design firms ultimately chosen for the administration building. With its oversight capabilities, LAN was able to ensure that the construction was completed on time and any supply chain issues were surmounted in a timely fashion. 

The administration building contains over 7,000 square feet of training rooms, the district’s HR department, staffing offices, superintendent suite as well as a board room. The building is projected to eventually host gatherings by the Texas Education Agency Region IV, Leadership of East Texas, Lead Forward as well as teaching seminars.  

“We are pleased that with this new administration building, we fulfill the promise we made to the voters who supported the bond,” said JP Grom, vice president and business group director at LAN. “Our unique approach to managing vendors, contracts and subcontracts has culminated in opening this facility, which will translate into improving the educational experience of thousands of students.” 

LAN has been in business since 1935. Their services include engineering, program management and civil infrastructure consulting.