K-12 Facilities Summit is Well Received
PALM SPRINGS, Calif.-The second annual K-12 Facilities Summit had three keynote speakers, 17 presenters, and 30 solution providers – networking and learning with 150 attendees about how best to prepare for future challenges through the effective design, management, maintenance and construction of K-12 facilities.
CraigMichaels Inc. chose the Marriott Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa for the venue, which was held over two-and-a-half days on Oct. 3-5. CraigMichaels’ invitation-only events are intentionally kept small. The company, which manages facilities summits in other markets as well, makes sure its attendees time away from the office is well spent and productive.
The special guest keynote speaker was Art Linkletter, a star in show business for over 60 years, who, at 92, still surfs and skis.
John F. Spencer, CEO of the New Jersey Schools Construction Corp., together with Guy Mehula, deputy chief facilities executive for new construction at Los Angeles Unified School District, were also keynotes.
Panel discussions explored indoor air quality and the mold epidemic; creating and updating a long-range facilities master plan; and developing district wide facilities standards.
Joint presentations addressed class size reductions and the challenges of creating space; the owner plan review process; and developing a preventative maintenance program.
School Construction News is the official media sponsor of the K-12 Facilities Summit.
“This year’s summit was a great success,” exclaimed Michael Owens, Summit producer, “bringing a national delegation of senior administrators, including Alaska and Puerto Rico, together to benchmark and discuss best practices in K-12 facilities management.”