BCI Burke Offers Playground Safety Tips

Though playgrounds can be a compelling and fun attraction for kids of all ages, the National Program for Playground Safety reports that more than 200,000 children are seriously injured on playgrounds each year.

Tim Ahern, owner and CEO of Fond du Lac, Wis.-based BCI Burke Co. LLC, said the playground company is working with schools, parents and children to raise awareness of the safest way to play and the best way to supervise kids.
“Education is the first step towards helping schoolchildren, caregivers and families reduce injury statistics and make visits to the playground safer,” says the company.
Tips on Playground Safety:
  • Due to the differing capabilities and needs of children, a play area should be provided for preschoolers ages 2-5, as well as a separate play area for children ages 5-12. Be sure children play on equipment designated for their age. 
  • It is vital to use appropriate surfacing around play structures. Options include but are not limited to pea gravel, engineered wood fiber, rubber, sand, rubber tiles and synthetic grass. It is best to consult with a certified playground installer or your playground manufacturer to ensure all safety guidelines are followed. 
  • Be aware of openings on the various parts of the play structures. Openings should measure less than 3.5 inches or more than 9 inches to prevent strangulation and trapping a child at play. 
  • Make sure debris and litter is cleaned up promptly to prevent tripping hazards as well as a health issues. 
  • Look for safety signs on playgrounds that help inform parents and other supervisors which structures are appropriate for the age of the children in their care and remind them about adult supervision requirements.
  • Always supervise children at play. A majority of playground injuries occur because adults are not monitoring the children. 
  • Be on the lookout for broken parts, rust, protruding hardware, sharp edges or other areas of disrepair. 
  • Choose a cooler part of the day to play, if possible. Be sure to apply sunscreen to protect children’s delicate skin. 
  • Interact with children at play. They take great pride in showing adults what they can do. Additionally, this allows for better attention to safety.