Husson University Uses Technology to Prevent Assault

BANGOR, Maine — Alongside Peace of Mind (POM) Company, Husson University in Bangor has been testing a keychain-sized POM personal safety device since October 2015. The devices allow students feeling threatened to simply push a button on the device, alerting campus security to their specific GPS coordinates.

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Parking Garage Luminaire

MaxLite now offers the LED Parking Garage Square Canopy for commercial and municipal parking applications. Listed by DesignLights Consortium (DLC) and eligible for utility rebates, the Square Canopy consumes 80 percent less energy than the conventional 250-watt metal halide luminaires it is designed to replace and operates far longer, with a lumen maintenance rating of 50,000 hours at L70 standards. The Square Canopy can help illuminate parking decks, stairwells and other low-bay installations where high quality security illumination is required.

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CWU Students Construct Buddy Benches for Local School

ELLENSBURG, Wash. — Construction management students at Central Washington University (CWU) are trying to encourage friendship on the playground with their latest project: the buddy bench.

The CWU students built three buddy benches for the nearby Mount Stuart Elementary playground in hopes of eliminating loneliness and fostering friendships at recess. The concept behind the two-person bench is that if a student doesn’t have a friend to play with at recess, they sit on the bench and wait for someone to come sit with them.

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