Health Care Risk Management


Illinois Governor Freezes UNO Charter School Construction Funding

CHICAGO — Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has vowed to withhold all further construction funding from the United Neighborhood Organization (UNO), after a second financial scandal has engulfed the charter school operator. The organization, which has constructed 16 charter schools across Chicago, is currently being investigated for securities fraud by the Federal Security Exchange Commission (SEC).

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Illinois Schools Receive $400 Million

CHICAGO — The school districts of Illinois will split $400 million for new construction, maintenance projects and renovations as part of the statewide Illinois Jobs Now capital fund.

The funds will be dispersed among 24 school districts with $306 million allotted to school construction, $50 million for maintenance projects, $25 million to alleviate overcrowded classrooms and $20 million will be dedicated to making the state’s schools more energy efficient. The fund may also provide reimbursement for school construction that has already completed.

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