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Summer Season Greets Heavy Maintenance Projects

LIMA, Ohio — With many school facilities empty during summer break, maintenance and repair teams are moving in to create a healthier, more productive environment for students come fall.

Lima, Ohio-headquartered Allied Environmental Services Inc is gearing up for the busy summer season to provide school facilities with services aimed at environmentally sensitive projects such as asbestos removal and repair, AHERA 3-year inspections, laboratory chemical management and disposal, neutralization tank cleaning and underground storage tank upgrades.

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Q&A: Maintenance and Operations, 21st-Century Style

The Maintaining and Operating of Schools Goes Far Beyond Just Cleaning and Construction

Much has changed over the decades in the maintenance and operations of schools. The facilities industry no longer just comprises individuals who know a little something about construction or cleaning. New building technologies and increasing legislative requirements have placed a strong focus on professionalism and the importance of working with industry leaders.

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Wearing Two Hats

Maintaining and operating schools today, as always, remains a daunting task for administrators. Challenges constantly arise in the form of older schools that need to be seriously updated to meet today’s educational needs, new structures with their own unique issues and the overall lack of funding available.

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