Jones Lang Lasalle

Featured Articles

Pennsylvania Invests in School Safety

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Gov. Tom Corbett and Senator Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson, have announced the award of $6.5 million in statewide school safety grants. The Pennsylvania lawmakers made the announcement at a May 6 press conference during which they discussed the importance of providing a safe learning environment for students.

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Connecticut Funds School Construction, Security

HARTFORD, Conn. — The Connecticut General Assembly recently passed a measure to funnel more than $522 million into statewide school construction and renovation projects. The bill, SB No. 475, was approved almost unanimously, with only two lawmakers opposing.

SB No. 475 authorizes the Department of Administrative Services commissioner to enter into grant commitments for 21 new school construction projects, totaling $180.7 million. It will also reauthorize and change grant commitments, due to cost and scope changes, for nine previously authorized projects.

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States Search for Higher Education Funding Solutions

WASHINGTON — Education funding has become a major topic in the presidential race, with both sides promising to preserve or even increase the resources dedicated to the cause, while budgeting to address the federal deficit. Despite this apparent consensus, most states are moving ahead with their own plans to find more stable funding streams and somehow lower the cost of attending college.

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