Detroit Breaks Ground on $50 Million High School
DETROIT — The Detroit Public Schools system broke ground on a $50.3 million high school as part of the district’s $500.5 million capital improvement program aimed at closing unneeded schools and opening or updating new and existing facilities.
The 239,900-square-foot Mumford High School, situated on the city’s west side, will be one of three new high schools completed under the three-year capital improvement program, which was made possible through funds set aside by the Proposition S bond referendum passed in 2009.
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Detroit District Issues $210 Million in Capital Bonds
DETROIT — Detroit Public Schools issued more than $210 million in capital improvement bonds needed to move forward on a $500.5 million district-wide construction and renovation program.
The sale included $160.9 million in Qualified School Construction Bonds and $49.6 million in Build America Bonds, both of which were authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, according to reports.
The funds will support the district’s three-year capital improvement plan, which will close dozens of schools a
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Detroit Plans Major School Investment
DETROIT — Detroit Public Schools is kicking off a $500 million, three-year capital improvement campaign with three construction and renovation projects totaling $64.1 million. As part of the capital improvement plan, the DPS will close dozens of schools district-wide and consolidate other facilities to reflect the city’s shrinking enrollment. Construction on the school projects is expected to start this summer.
Read MoreDetroit to Invest $1 Billion in Schools
DETROIT — Detroit Public Schools is kicking off a $500 million, three-year capital improvement campaign with three construction and renovation projects totaling $64.1 million. As part of the capital improvement plan, the DPS will close dozens of schools district-wide and consolidate other facilities to reflect the city’s shrinking enrollment. Construction on the school projects is expected to start this summer.
The projects include a $45.3 million replacement to Martin Luther King High School.
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