
Recycled Glass Flooring Installed

PLANO, Texas-As students returned to classes this past fall, children at Carolyn G. Bukhair Elementary School were walking on broken glass. Underneath their feet, 100 percent post-use recycled glass pieces were safely secured in the school’s seamless epoxy terrazzo floor. School district values like patriotism, fairness, and honesty are spelled out in stainless steel floor insets as well.

EnviroGLAS Products Inc. and American Terrazzo installed 9,000 square feet of the environmentally friendly and durable floors in a variety of vivid epoxy colors to meet the school’s opening date of Aug. 19, 2004.

“We are proud to open the school and present the community with environmentally friendly ‘recycled glass’ floors,” stated RISD’s Executive Director of Facility Services Michael Longanecker, AIA. “Terrazzo has always been one of our preferred floors finishes due to its durability and ease of maintenance. The combination of good looks, reduced maintenance costs and re-use ecology makes it a win/win situation for the district.”

The project’s design architect appreciates the uniqueness of EnviroGLAS Terrazzo. “You get so many different textures, so it’s a more unique composition than standard aggregate,” said Dustin Zerby of Hidell Associates. EnviroGLAS Products Inc. converts trash bound for the landfill into elegant, durable, environmentally friendly surfaces and landscaping materials.