
Prepared Response Boosts Safety Procedures for Idaho School District

MERIDIAN, Idaho — Prepared Response Inc. recently installed a new crisis management system at 50 school sites in the Meridian Joint School District to improve emergency preparedness and response capabilities.

The Rapid Responder Crisis Management System will manage data for the district’s elementary, middle, high school and administration buildings, providing critical information to first responders in an emergency situation.

Funded by a $355,922 Emergency Response and Crisis Management Grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the system will allow the district to coordinate emergency response protocols with outside agencies and other community partners, officials say.

Rapid Response offers first responders access to more than 300 data points, including tactical plans, floor plans, aerial and geospatial imagery, interior and exterior photos, staging areas, hazardous materials quantities and locations, utility shutoffs and evacuation routes for almost any school facility.

Certified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the system is designed to be used in schools, hospitals and government buildings and has been installed at 1,700 school campuses nationwide.