
NJ Schools Receive Funding to Improve Facility Safety

Bayonne, N.J. — As a reward for the Board of Education’s commitment to risk management, the New Jersey School Boards Association Insurance Group granted the Bayonne Board of Education $70,000 for improved safety measures throughout the district.
The grant will go towards the installation and maintenance of a basketball winch system and backstops in the high school, replacement of locker room floors and tiles at Lincoln School pool, replacement of floor tiles in ice rink lobby, and eight pedestrian cross-walk signs, according to the district.
The Burlington, New Jersey-based nonprofit Insurance Group awarded a total of $5 million in safety grants to member districts across the state.
"I commend and congratulate School Business Administrator Leo J. Smith, Jr., and his entire staff for this exemplary award," said Dr. Patricia L. McGeehan, Superintendent of Schools. "We are very grateful for the additional funding during these difficult
economic times."