
Six Classroom Designs Selected for EDspaces 2020

By SCN Staff

SILVER SPRING, Md.—The Education Market Association (EDmarket) recently announced the winning classroom designs to be featured at EDspaces this November in Charlotte, North Carolina. EDspaces is an event to explore how the convergence of pedagogy, space and technology—combined with innovation—affects facility design and use and student outcomes.

Each of the innovative classrooms were designed for physical distancing in a safe learning environment, similar to the challenges facing educators returning to school this fall. These unique educational environments provide an extension of learning for participants to experience first-hand the latest product and space innovations.

The following firms chosen to design classrooms for EDspaces 2020 are Hord Coplan Macht, Legat Architects, Little Diversified Architectural Consulting, Marotta Main Architects, Media Technologies, and Moseley Architects.

Classroom design judges—comprised of past winners of the design competition, school purchasing influencers, and AIA-CAE member architects—conducted an extensive review to make final selections. Proposals were evaluated for aesthetics, overall functionality, vendor engagement, relevance to the future of educational facilities, and flexibility of the learning space. This year’s classroom designers met the additional challenge of creating learning environments in the COVID-19 era.

Education sessions will be held in these six designed classrooms throughout the event, allowing attendees to experience how different products work in a variety of collaborative, flexible educational settings.